Immersive Circles


A Big Journey, Made Together

Preparation + Gathering + Integration

Immersive Circles are a deep journeys into self-discovery, self-healing, and self-growth. We focus on weeks of careful, guided preparation before meeting live for an in-person retreat. We then integrate the profound therapeutic retreat experiences over the final four weeks of intimate, expert integration.

Intimate, Growth-Minded Cohort

You will travel your 8-week Immersive Circle with a very small group of other growth-minded individuals and the most gentle yet effective coaching team, guiding, facilitating, and holding the space every step of the way.

Deep Healing, Expansive Growth

Based in the gentle yet profoundly powerful framework of Internal Family Systems, Immersive Circles are containers for life-changing self-discovery, inner healing, and deep personal growth.


Studio Circles


Pop-Up Circles