We support people on life’s biggest journeys.

The Executive Team

  • Justin Wilford, PhD


  • Alicia Samaniego Wuth, PsyD


Yes Collective Contributors & Advisors

(in alphabetic order)

  • Maria Barrera, MAOC, LAc

    Licensed acupuncturist, traditional healing & group facilitation

  • Stacey Cohen, LPC

    Licensed therapist, coach, senior advisor to Yes Collective

  • Bridget Cross, LCSW

    Perinatal psychotherapist, Yes Collective contributor

  • Rachel Dempsey, LCSW

    Licensed therapist, Yes Collective contributor

  • Tamy Erle

    Breathwork coach and retreat facilitator

  • Kirby Slager

    Breathwork and movement guide

  • Nadia Torres-Eaton, PsyD

    Clinical psychologist, senior contributor to Yes Collective

  • Jenny Walters, LMFT

    Licensed therapist, coach, senior advisor to Yes Collective

Let’s grow beyond, together

Live group coaching

There is healing in groups that can’t be found any other way. When we connect, feel together, and bear witness, we reach new places inside.

Life-changing retreats

When we gather together in-person, we fulfill our four fundamental needs: community, transcendence, healing, and growth.

One-on-one coaching

Sometimes we need a quiet space with an experienced, trusted guide to hold the space and invite us deeper into our own experience.